kisses, squeezes, tickles and all rough housing with peyton sold to her mom. i think i've fallen in love all over again with my beautiful baby. for the past week or so i've tried to get as many of the little things in as i could before i could no longer. i'm going to miss them that's for sure!
i feel so blessed to have my ian, a strong priesthood holder in my home to lead and help direct our little family during this time. i am so glad that we have leaders that have taught and aided my family in the gospel in the teachings and blessings that i have received and continue to receive from my heavenly father daily. i am so grateful for the savior and his atoning sacrifice and the comfort and peace that i have knowing that life is eternal, my family is eternal and that there is a plan for you, me and even my little peyton. am i scared, yes i already said so, am i confident? absolutely, why? because of my savior, i know that he lives.
Sheesh, Buff, can you and your family get any cuter? I liked reading your uplifting post, I hope all goes well.
Cute family! Hope all is well. You are definately in my thoughts!
I'll be thinking of you and Ian, and keeping you in my prayers. I miss you guys!
we love you and we're always here for you at a moment's notice!!!
Oh my goodness Peyton is a doll! And I love Riley's dirty face.
I am so glad everything went well and I hope that it keeps going that way. I wish I was there with you!
seriously, stunning family! You know I already admire the heck out of you and then you go and post always, you amaze me!
We hope that everything goes well. Let us know if there is anything we can do! Love ya!
hey sorry it took so long to respond to your last post. That's sweet that your husbands a prison psychologist, I imagine that it takes a person with a strong sense of reality and a humanitarian optimism, way to go. We're in C-bus, OH attending The Ohio State University, I graduate in 2009. Then's it off to...? We got the single little one, Risa, she's got sass to spare, but we love her a lot. all in things is good. keep in touch
How are you all doing? I keep waiting for an update...last I talked to you, you were on your way back to the hospital! Wish we were closer still!
Hi there! Just popped in and thought I'd say hi. Hope things are going well.
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