Wednesday, January 06, 2010

a new low

last night ian and i got the girls to bed last night and got ready for our usual snuggle up in the couch with a treat ritual. i chose a traditional dessert of powdered doughnuts and chocolate milk. as i sat there stuffing my face with these delectable delights i realized that i was starting to not feel so well. why would this be happening to me? was i getting sick? was 7:45 the new to late to eat a treat? then it hit me.

how could i be eating this while watching the biggest loser? i decided then and there and i needed to put down the doughnuts and put on the running shoes. well maybe at least just put on the running shoes.

1 comment:

jojo said...

me too. ugh, with a new little one there are so many days where i never even make it outside to take one breath of fresh air. sad huh? putting the running shoes on will at least get me out the door. i'll try too. p.s. your family picture is sooooo cute!